
Causes of type diabetes

  This type of disease is caused by insulin resistance that occurs in adulthood. The pancreas continues to produce the necessary hormone, but it does not work. In this case, one speaks of its relative deficit.   The body may perceive this as a lack of insulin (although in fact it is not) and produce it in excess of the norm. Then there is hyperinsulinemia  and metabolic syndrome. Causes of insulin resistance can be :   excess fat cells in the abdominal cavity; hypertonic disease; polycystic ovary syndrome (in women); other endocrine pathologies; taking certain medications, including combined oral contraceptives ( Diana and others).. Insulin resistance is also physiological. This is common in teenagers, pregnant women and the elderly. Its short-term manifestations occur in the second phase of the menstrual cycle and during sleep.   Diabetes and obesity   Scientists have identified a relationship between diabetes and overweight. On the one hand, insulin prevents the breakdown of fat, whi

What causes diabetes

  Diabetes is the general name for a group of chronic endocrine diseases. All ailments of this group have a common symptom - polyuria (increased urine production). But only diabetes is associated with an increase in the concentration of glucose in the blood.   Types of diabetes   The most common is diabetes mellitus  - an endocrine disease caused by a violation of metabolic processes in the body. Its main symptom is hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) due to insulin deficiency. But there are other types:   Central non-sugar. It is caused by a lack or resistance of the body to vasopressin, a peptide hormone of the hypothalamus responsible for maintaining fluid in the body. Nephrogenic non-sugar. It is characterized by a loss of the ability to concentrate urine. Hereditary is caused by genetic mutations, acquired - by kidney diseases or pathologies in the brain. All these diseases are accompanied by a large loss of fluid and, as a result, a violation of mineral metabolism. Non-sugar species

Thyroid cancer: stages, symptoms, treatment

  Thyroid cancer (ICD - C73) is an oncological pathology in which a patient develops a malignant tumor in the thyroid gland. In this case, the disease occurs due to the formation of follicular, medullary, papillary cells in the tissues of the organ.   This disease is more often diagnosed among patients older than 40 years. In women, the disease is fixed 4 times more often than in the opposite sex.   With thyroid cancer , a person complains of difficulty swallowing, discomfort in the throat, hoarseness, weight loss, excessive sweating, and weakness.   It is possible to identify the disease even at the very beginning of its development. Timely therapy allows you to completely get rid of the disease.   Causes   Today, oncological disease is rare among patients, but the diagnosis is detected among all age groups. Thyroid cancer is less common in men than in women. There are cases when the disease is found in children and adolescents.   There are some causes of thyroid cancer: prolonged use

What complications does diabetes cause?

  The main cause of chronic complications in diabetes is damage to small blood vessels and the peripheral nervous system. The walls of blood vessels and nerves suffer from excess sugar in the blood; Penetrating into them, glucose is converted into substances that are toxic to these tissues. As a result, changes occur that disrupt the normal functioning of the organ, in which there are many small vessels and nerve endings. If the patient keeps blood sugar within acceptable limits (6.7-8.0 mmol / l), then late diabetic complications do not occur.   The negative impact of diabetes affects some organs and affects others less, for example   Eyes - the retina is affected, diabetes can cause cataracts (clouding of the lens) and blindness (changes in the retina). Teeth - all diseases in the oral cavity develop at an accelerated pace due to a lack of blood supply. It is not uncommon for diabetes to be detected in the dentist's office, where the patient comes with complaints of swollen gums